Ozone emissions are unstable and should only be manufactured at the time you need it, or it will be useless. It is so unstable to the point that half an hour after manufacturing it, 50% of it will be gone already.
So, where does the Ozone (O3) really go? The answer is simple, nowhere. It simply turns back into Oxygen (O2) again. Therefore,, if you want to use ozone for your drinking water, hot tub, swimming pool, or use it for other purification procedures, the most effective way is to make it yourself from oxygen.
If you are going to use ozone for water purification, you can usually get the oxygen from the air. Air is 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, and 1% trace gases (such as Argon).
However, there are some ozone applications might require that you make higher concentrations of ozone, which means you will need to start with higher concentrations of oxygen such as 100% oxygen from an oxygen tank. (Note: If you want to make Medical Grade Ozonated Water for Health Benefits, Burns, Sterilizing etc. you need to use purified oxygen, not air. See the article Ozonated Water). Oxygen tanks hold 99% pure oxygen and are available from either welding shops or through a prescription from your doctor. Bottled oxygen should only be used with ozone generators that were designed to be fed with purified bottled oxygen. Never try to feed your ozone generator with oxygen if it was designed to be fed with ‘air’ or the results could be disaster.
There are many different types of ozone generators available on the market today. They all make ozone using different technologies, and they all produce different amounts of ozone. Not every ozone generator will be able to do what you want it to do, so if you are shopping for an ozone generator make sure you are buying the proper type, and one that creates the proper amount of ozone. Each ozone application on this list requires different levels or concentrations of ozone:
Make one glass of ozonated water to drink (requires lower levels of ozone)
Ozonate a gallon of water. (requires higher levels of ozone)
Drink highly ozonated water that still has ozone in it (“Medical Ozonated Water” requires very high levels of ozone and therefore the use of oxygen as a feed gas, and a ‘medical’ ozone generator)
You also need to think about how much ozone you want in the water. Do you want to just ensure that the bacteria and viruses have been killed in the water? Or do you want to ensure all of the volatile organic and possibly toxic compounds have been destroyed in the water? Perhaps you want both of those things to happen but you also want there to be ozone remaining in the water when you actually drink it? All three of these examples require different levels of ozone, ranging from relatively low levels of ozone coming from the ozone generator to very high levels of ozone.
There are many different reasons for ozonating water, and there are many different ozone generators on the market. Decide what you want to do with the ozone, and then research your choice of ozone generators carefully before making your purchase.
I appreciate what you said about buying the right type of ozone generator for what you have in mind. Before you said this, I would have thought that they were all basically the same.
You always do the right thing. God Bless you.
Thank you